

Topics: DFS, expression tree, divide and conquer, Unique binary search trees II

This is truly a beast of a problem. This was the first time in months that I was truly stuck and had no idea how to make progress. I made it as far as generating all the right results, but with duplicates that did not represent unique combinations of parentheses.

Basically my first (and best) idea was to simply compute the results recursively by iterating over the string and evaluating each triplet of number,operation,number. This does generate all the correct results, but we get duplicates…why?

Consider the case:

            /        |          \                           
    (2+2)+2+2    2+(2+2)+2    2+2+(2+2)                         
    (4)+2+2      2+(4)+2      2+2+(4)
        ^^^                   ^^^ 
/    |     \                 /      |      \
... ...   (4)+(4)      (4)+(4)     ...     ... 
                \       /

In this evaluation tree, we inevitably get duplicate configurations of parentheses on opposing sides of the tree! In the above case, we get (2+2)+(2+2) twice!

And this is where I got stuck. I could not figure out how to make progress from here. What I missed is that we can treat the the operations as nodes, and in the same way as in Unique binary search trees II, we can set each operation as the root, and then subsequent operations as the parents! A leaf is reached when only a number remains!

For example:

Lets chose the middle + as the root:

		/   \
       +     +
     /  \   /  \
    2    2 2    2   ---> (2+2)+(2+2)

When we construct the evaluation tree like this, we can only arrive at (2+2)+(2+2) a single time! There is no other way to create it!

Lets look at another case using the first + as the root:

		/   \
       2     +
            /  \
           2    +
               /  \
              2    2  ---> 2+(2+(2+2))


		/   \
       2     +
            /  \
           +    2
         /  \
        2    2      ---> 2+((2+2)+2)

Both of these trees represent unique combinations for the first + as the root!

We can just generate the possible trees recursively almost the same way as in Unique binary search trees II, but instead of building a new tree, we simply evaluate!


def unique_par(expression):
	def dfs(curr):
		if curr.isdigit():
			return [int(curr)]
		res = []
		for i in range(len(curr)):
			if curr[i].isdigit():
			left = dfs(curr[:i])
			right = dfs(curr[i+1:])
			for l in left:
				for r in right:
					if curr[i] == '*':
					elif curr[i] == '+':
		return res
	return dfs(expression)
#time: o(n*(2**n))
#memory: o(2**n) --> not n*(2**n) because the outer loop only impacts time. 

A note on the complexity… it seems that the complexity should be the same as Unique binary search trees II o(n*catalan(n)). In that problem we do cache the function but thats because it’s a 2d recursion. The 2d cached function should be the same as a 1d uncached function.
