

Topics: graph, DFS, BFS, union find

This is a great but very tricky graph problem. I was quite pleased that I solved this one on my first attempt. The trickiest part of this problem is realizing that we need to use a graph. Essentially we must build a graph where the edges represent the value we get from dividing two nodes. From there, its simply a matter of finding a path between A, B in a query and the value is the product of all edges in the path.

I realized that this was a graph problem when it occurred to me that for an equation a/b = value1, a can be written as a = b*value1, and for equation b/c = value2, can be written as b = c*value2…therefore for the query [a, c], can be written as a = c*value2*value1 or simply as a/c = value2*value1. Basically, if there exists a path between a and c, there is an answer.

The last insight was remembering that if a/b = x, b/a = 1/x. So we have a kind of undirected graph, but going backwards would reciprocate the weight of the edge. This can also be interpreted as a directed graph with two edges between nodes. I prefer the pseudo-undirected interpretation because it emphasizes that cycles will be possible.

There is also a union find solution but I wont get into it now.


def eval_div(equations, values, queries):
	adj = {}
	for (a, b), val in zip(equations, values):
		if a not in adj:
			adj[a] = []
		if b not in adj:
			adj[b] = []
		adj[a].append((b, val))
		adj[b].append((a, 1/val))
	def bfs(start, end):
		if start not in adj or end not in adj:
			return -1.0
		visited = set()
		queue = deque([(start, 1)])
		while queue:
			node, val = queue.popleft()
			if node in visited:
			if node == end:
				return val
			for neighbor, multiply in adj[node]:
				queue.append((neighbor, val*multiply))
		return -1.0
	res = []
	for a, b in queries:
		res.append(bfs(a, b))
	return res
#time: o(nm) n=len(queries), m=nodes in graph 
#memory: o(m)

