

Topics: linked list

Cool problem demonstrating the use of an implicit linked list. The naive solution would of course use more memory as the cycle detection would be handled by a set which is o(n) memory.

Instead we treat this like a linked list and use a fast/slow pointer to handle cycle detection in o(1) memory.


def happy_number(n):
	def process(num):
		num = str(num)
		num = [int(digit)**2 for digit in num]
		return sum(num)
	slow = n
	fast = n
	while slow != 1 and fast != 1:
		slow = process(slow)
		fast = process(process(fast))
		if slow == fast and slow != 1:
			return False
	return True
#time: o(logn) just remember logn. 
#memory: o(1)

We are in number land. Each number is linked to the next number in a list. Its happy if the list is straight and sad if the list has a loop.


Review 1
I was happy (haha) to find the linked list solution here. Just remember that the squared digits are summed, not concatenated (read the damn problem statement Alex).
