Topics: DP
This is a very simple 2d DP problem…classic take/skip pattern. For some reason leetcode is punishing the cached python top down solution with MLE, so we will just pre-define the memo as an array.
def longest_sub(nums, target):
dp = [[-1 for _ in range(1, target + 1)] for _ in range(len(nums))]
def dfs(i, curr_sum):
if curr_sum == target:
return 0
if curr_sum > target or i == len(nums):
return float('-inf')
if dp[i][curr_sum] != -1:
return dp[i][curr_sum]
take = 1 + dfs(i+1, curr_sum + nums[i])
skip = dfs(i+1, curr_sum)
dp[i][curr_sum] = max(take, skip)
return dp[i][curr_sum]
return max(dfs(0, 0), -1)
#time: o(n*m) n = len(nums) m = target
#memory: o(n*m)
Review 1
Very simple problem, but leetcode is still punishing cache solution. I won’t bother with it.