

Topics: binary search, Heaters

This is a fantastic binary search problem. The problem statement is very difficult to decipher and I initially began thinking about it as purely a greedy interval problem. The key idea is to use binary search to jump across the sorted intervals. But here is the trick: we can’t over-jump. Over-jumping is akin to skipping over an entire interval, which is not permitted (ith integer must be in the ith interval).

This problem is somewhat similar to Heaters, in the sense that in the Heaters problem we can search for a radius that will reach all houses. This problem is similar, except we search for a score that permits us to select an integer at every interval without skipping over any!

For example:

[0, 3, 6] d=2

this represents the intervals (0, 2), (3, 5), (6, 8)

if we choose a score of 6, we can see that in the best case we choose 0 as the first integer, and then we must choose 6 as the next integer (0+6). We can see that by doing so we have skipped over the range (3, 5)! so this is an invalid score. 

It’s very tricky to recognize this as a binary search problem but the key intuition is that chosen integers will be at least x apart, but can be more than x apart if the intervals are not overlapping. If the integers are more than x apart, this makes no difference to the result because we are after the minimum score. Or in other words, you will have two intervals with a local score that is greater than x; this does not matter because we constrain x to a lower bound.

This makes sense because if we use x directly to jump to the next interval, this ensures that the abs(chosen1-chosen2) is the minimum for the entire set of integers chosen (assuming the ranges are in sorted order).

A key observation that must also be made is that we must always choose the first integer in the sorted set of starts start[0]. Why is this the case? This is to ensure that we have the maximum possible space available to us to insert the score.

For example:

[0, 3, 6] d=2 score=4

We can chose 0, 4, 8 for a score of 4. All chosen are in range.

Lets chose 1, 5, 9 for a score of 4. Notice that 9 is not in range!

Basically, by choosing an integer > start[0] for the first chosen, we block ourselves off from ranges that we may need. 

We can think about it in terms of intervals:

012345678  --> possible integers for the range [0, 3, 6]  d=2
take 0, eight possible integers remaining

take 1, seven possible integers remaining!

Essentially, we start by choosing the first integer and then add the score to it to see if we overshoot the next interval or not. If we don’t overshoot, we choose start[i] if there is no overlap, or prev+score in the case of an overlap.

Some further thoughts on the problem solving here… This problem was extremely difficult for me, and indeed it’s a very difficult problem. The problem statement is very confusing, and I wasted quite a lot of time thinking about it. It would have been helpful here to forget about the problem statement and just analyze the example cases to see the obvious pattern:

The chosen integers are all no less than 4 apart, thus the max score is 4. In this case there is an overlap interval. 0+4 = 4, so for interval i=1 we take 4 instead of 3.

The chosen integers are all no less than 5 apart, thus the max score is 5. In this case we can see that there is an example of a disjoint interval because 7+5 is 12…but 13 gets selected because its the minimum integer for i=2.


def max_score(start, d):
	def is_valid(score):
		prev = start[0]
		for i in range(1, len(start)):
			if prev + score > start[i] + d: #overshoot case
				return False
			prev = max(prev+score, start[i]) #choose prev+score in case of
		return True                          #in case of overlap
	l = 1
	r = start[-1] + d
	while l <= r:
		mid = (l + r) // 2
		if is_valid(mid):
			l = mid + 1
			r = mid - 1
	return l - 1
#time: o(nlogn)
#memory: o(1)

