Topics: heap
Very classic heap problem. The key idea here is to sort the meetings by start time and then add end times to a min_heap. If the top of the heap is smaller or equal to the current start time, this means that the event has ended, so we pop off the heap.
Thus, the heap essentially simulates the number of active meetings, and the length represents the number of rooms that would be needed at that point in time. The max size of the min_heap at any point in time is in fact the minimum number of rooms required to host all the meetings.
def meeting_rooms2(intervals):
rooms = 0
min_heap = []
for start, end in intervals:
while min_heap and start >= min_heap[0]:
heappush(min_heap, end)
rooms = max(rooms, len(min_heap))
return rooms
#time: o(nlogn)
#memory: o(n)
Review 1
I struggled with this one. I of course thought of heap but then I thought there was a more greedy solution possible by merging intervals. Merging intervals simply will not work because we can never know how many meetings are currently ongoing. Merging intervals breaks the temporal relationship because it does the equivalent of creating a “longer” meeting and keeping it active. We need to retain the ability to start and end meetings! Therefore heap!
I’m tagging this hard because my thought process went off the rails on this one.