

Topics: sorted order

This is a very interesting problem if we aim for a constant space solution. Merging two sorted arrays is not very difficult because typically you would use two pointers and fill a new array with the values. This of course take o(n+m) space. In this problem we are given nums1 with enough trailing zeros to store the merged list…and in fact the problem statement does imply that the algorithm should be constant space. So how do we merge nums1 with nums2 using only constant space?

I will admit that I struggled with this one and initially I came up with an o(n*m) solution. I thought this was ok because n and m are constrained to only 200. But this did not sit with me well because my gut told me that there had to be a linear solution, and indeed there is.

The key here is to start filling up nums1 from the end. The reasoning here is that the zeros are at the end, so by starting there we avoid overwriting and/or complicated pointer logic. Typically, merging sorted arrays is done from front to back with the condition a < b… but this logic can be flipped to a > b if we choose to start from the back because the end of the merged list will be the largest value!

The implementation is a three pointer solution, and its still kind of tricky with many potential off-by-one errors.

The key takeaway from this problem is that when we modify arrays in-place, we should consider starting (and continuing) the algorithm in the empty spaces.


#just like in normal merging sorted lists problems, one list will be exhaused before the other. In this case its a little tricky because we are moving the pointers from right to left and python allows for negative indexing.
def merge_sorted(nums1, m, nums2, n):
	p1 = m - 1
	p2 = n - 1
	p3 = m + n - 1
	while p3 > -1:
		if p2 < 0: 
			#if p2 is finished, just exit. 
			#this is because the rest of nums1 is guartanteed to be sorted
			#for example nums1 = [1,2,3,0,0,0] nums2 = [4,5,6]
			#Exiting is simple stopping here [1,2,3,4,5,6]
            #                                     ^ p2 = -1
            # there is no need to keep replacing until the end...its spurious
            # in fact it would  introduce many edge cases 
		if p1 > -1 and nums1[p1] > nums2[p2]: 
		#  ^^^^^^^  if p1 is exhausted first, just keep replacing with p2
			nums1[p3] = nums1[p1]
			p1 -= 1
			nums1[p3] = nums2[p2]
			p2 -= 1
		p3 -= 1
#time: o(n+m)
#memory: o(1)

I don’t have a good one here…just think in-place-start-where-empty
