Extremely simple problem. In some ways similar to merging 2 sorted arrays, but without the conditional check. (and only one pointer is needed).
def merge_strings(word1, word2):
merged = ''
i = 0
while i < len(word1) and i < len(word2):
merged += word1[i] + word2[i]
i += 1
if i < len(word1):
merged += word1[i:]
if i < len(word2):
merged += word2[i:]
return merged
#time: o(n+m)
#memory: o(1)
Review 1
Not a huge fan of the above implementation. There is no need to treat word1
so generically. Just iterate over it and add the remainder from word2
if it exists.
def merge_strings(word1, word2):
res = ''
for i in range(len(word1)):
res += word1[i]
if i < len(word2):
res += word2[i]
return res + word2[i+1:]