

Topics: sliding window, binary search

Straight forward problem. Use a sliding window to shrink the window and take the min window that satisfies the constraint.

The problem statement asks for an nlogn solution as well, kind of tricky to come up with but the idea is that the the possible answer has a lower bound and upper bound…specifically a subarray of length 1 as the lower bound and a subarray of len(nums) as the upper bound. If there exists a subarray of length k that satisfies the sum, then there is guaranteed to exist a subarray of length k+1 that also satisfies the constraint.


def min_subarray(nums, target):
	res = float('inf')
	curr_sum = 0
	l = 0
	for r in range(len(nums)):
		curr_sum += nums[r]
		while curr_sum >= target:
			res = min(res, r-l+1)
			curr_sum -= nums[l]
			l += 1
	return res if res != float('inf') else 0
#time: o(n)
#memory: o(1)

Implementation (binary search)

def min_subarray(nums, target):
	def has_sum(k):
		curr_sum = sum(nums[:k-1])
		l = 0
		for r in range(len(nums)):
			curr_sum += nums[r]
			if curr_sum >= target:
				return True
			curr_sum -= nums[l]
			l += 1
		return False
	res = 0
	l = 1
	r = len(nums)
	while l <= r:
		mid = (l + r) // 2
		if has_sum(mid):
			res = mid
			r = mid - 1
			l = mid + 1
	return res

