

Topics: DP, math

Not a huge fan of these mathy problems, but this one is pretty neat. We start with one key observation: all numbers after primeOne * primeTwo can be formed. Why is this the case? It’s some number theory proof that I have no interest in getting into.

So now that we know the upper bound is primeOne * primeTwo, we can use DP on this problem to find the largest number that cannot be formed.

Implementation (DP)

def most_expensive(primeOne, primeTwo):
	def dfs(amount):
		if amount == 0:
			return True
		if amount < 0:
			return False
		return dfs(amount-primeOne) or dfs(amount-primeTwo)
	curr = primeOne * primeTwo
	while dfs(curr):
		curr -= 1
	return curr
#time: o((primeOne*primeTwo)**2)
#memory: o(primeOne*primeTwo)

There is also an o(1) math solution. I suspected this to be the case when I was solving, but I’m not very well versed in number theory. There exists a theorem called the chicken mcnugget theorem. The theorem states that the largest number that can not be formed with two distinct primes can be directly computed: mn - m - n. Yes, its that simple.

Implementation (math)

def most_expensive(primeOne, primeTwo):
	return (primeOne * primeTwo) - primeOne - primeTwo
#time: o(1)
#memory: o(1)

Review 1
What a funky problem! I remembered that we had to use the chicken mcnugget theorem, but I couldn’t remember it. I guess that’s not a bad thing. The DP solution is also kind of interesting…but you still need to know that primeOne*primeTwo is the upper bound. All numbers past this can be formed so in the context of this problem, all gifts that cost more than primeOne*primeTwo can be bought…so we can use DP to find a sequence of primeOne and primeTwo that cannot form the highest number starting from primeOne*primeTwo-1, and decrementing. The sum is all that matters, so caching here greatly improves the complexity.
