Topics: heap
See code comments. Quite a tricky heap problem.
import heapq
def most_negatives(pl):
curr_sum = pl[0] # the first element can never be negative,
# so we always take it
max_heap = []
for i in range(1, len(pl)):
curr_sum -= pl[i] # try to make every element negative
heapq.heappush(max_heap, -pl[i]) # push it to the max heap...
# this represents the elements
# we have made negative
while curr_sum < 0:
curr_sum += -(heapq.heappop(max_heap)*2)
# while the cumulative sum is negative, pop off the max heap
# and add it back to the cumulative sum.
# (x2 because we subtracted it earlier)
# I hope it is clear why a max heap is used...
# when curr_sum drops into negatives, we want to add back the
# largest values first to get our curr_sum back to positive as
# quickly as possible.
# this ensures that our heap can grow as large as possible
# (remember, the heap represents the elements that have been
# made negative)
return len(max_heap)
#time: o(nlogn)
#memory: o(n)