

Topics: greedy, reservoir

Very cool problem requiring subtle reservoir pattern. The idea is that there are only two possibilities for building selection: 010 and 101.

The key insight is that when we see a 1, we can form exactly number_of_zeros 01’s…keep the count in zero_ones . And when we see a 0, we can form exactly number_of_ones 10’s…keep the count in one_zeros.

The second key insight (building from the first) is that when we see a 1, we can form exactly one_zeros 101’s. And when we see a 0, we can form exactly zero_ones 010’s. Add these to the result.


def select_buildings(s):
	res = 0
	ones = 0
	zeros = 0
	one_zeros = 0
	zero_ones = 0
	for bit in s:
		if bit == '1':
			res += one_zeros
			zero_ones += zero
			ones += 1
			res += zero_ones
			one_zeros += ones
			zeros += 1
	return res
#time: o(n)
#memory: o(1)


Review 1
Fantastic little problem. My mind first went to sliding window, but there is not really a great way to keep manipulate the window (if it’s even possible). The counting solution is extremely clever. Basically we count every occurrence of '0', '1', '01' and '10'. How?

Well if we reach a '1' then the number of '01' is simply incremented by the number of 0 that we have already seen, because with the current '1', we can form a '01' with all occurrences of 0 that have been seen so far!

And by the same logic, the number of '010' and '010' (the only possible valid selections) are incremented by the number of '01' when a '0' is seen and '10' when a '1' is seen…respectively.
