

Topics: binary search

I never cease to be amazed with the use cases of binary search. This problem is a masterpiece…the insight is so simple yet so subtle and difficult to come up with.

The naive approach of course is to full up a list with indices appearing w[i] number of times, then do randint on that list. The problem is that sum(w) can be extremely large (10^20 in the case of this problem). Obviously we don’t want to hold a list of length sum(w) in memory…so what do we do?

There is actually a way to simulate that hypothetical array with another array of length len(w)! How?

Consider the following weights:

[1, 1, 5] 

We can see that most of the probablity density is at index 2. 

Our hypothetical array is as follows:

[0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

What if we took a running sum of [1, 1, 5]? We get:

[1, 2, 7]

How does this help...well for one it's sorted so we can search...

But search for what?

We know the maximum index in the hypothetical array is sum(w), so what if we searched for a random float between 0 and sum(w)!

Lets think about the above approach: take the running sum and then search for a random float between 0 and sum(w):

original = [1, 1, 5]
running_sum = [1, 2, 7]
target = 0-7 #random float

Each float between 0 and 7 is equally likely to be selected. Lets look at the ranges and see where the binary search lands (bisect_left):

target |  running_sum, i
0-1    |  1, 0
1-2    |  2, 1
2-7    |  7, 2

Take a look at range of numbers that will match each index! Index 2 gets captured by much wider range of numbers than the two others! And this is exactly what one would expect for the original probability density. 

Essentially, when a random target between 2 (exclusive) and 7 (inclusive) is chosen, the leftmost binary search will map that target to index 2. 

For indices 0 and 1, only numbers within the range 0-1 and 1-2 respectively will map onto the respective indices. 


def __init__(self, w: List[int]):
	self.sums = w
	for i in range(1, len(self.sums)):
		self.sums[i] += self.sums[i-1]
def pickIndex(self) -> int:
	target = random.random()*self.sums[-1]
	l = 0
	r = len(self.sums)
	while l < r:
		mid = (l + r) // 2
		if self.sums[mid] < target:
			l = mid + 1
			r = mid
	return l
#time: o(logn)
#memory: o(1)
