

Topics: DFS

This is a nice little recursion problem. It should be clear that recursion should be used here because of the result is built up in a decision tree.

For example:

s = '11111'
                    /   \
                  1.     11.
              /   \       /   \
          1.1.  1.11.    11.1.  11.11.

After this, it’s simply a matter of setting up the recursion correctly to ensure that the leaf nodes are valid ip’s. The base case is if all digits in s have been used and if the length of the built string is equal to the length of s plus 3 (three dots):

if i == len(s) and len(curr) == len(s) + 3:

To branch off from curr, we simply try add each subarray from s[i:i+1] to s[i:i+3] to curr and shift to the correct index. The subarray must be validated as a legal segment of an ip before the recursion can continue. Namely, if the value of segment is smaller than 256 and if it is a legal integer (no leading zeros).

We can also early exit the recursion if the remaining number of digits is less than the number of dots still required, but this is kind of overkill IMO.


def restore_ip(s):
	if len(s) > 15 or len(s) < 4:
		return []
	res = []
	def dfs(i, curr):
		if i == len(s):
			if len(curr) == len(s) + 3:
		dot = '' if i == 0 else '.'
		take = ''
		for j in range(i, min(i+3, len(s))):
			take += s[j]
			if int(take) < 256 and not (len(take) > 1 and take[0] == '0'):
				dfs(j+1, curr + dot + take)
	dfs(0, '')
	return res
#time: o(1) because len(s) can never be greater than 15
#memory: o(1)

Try 3 digits, build the tree.

