

Topics: string

Funny little problem. Seems extremely easy but the optimal solution actually escaped me for some reason! Initially I solved this in o(n*n) time by wrapping over the string with a modulus operation, which is actually fine because the constraint is n < 100. I missed that you can simply verify if goal is a substring of s + s…and if len(goal) == len(s)! Yes, its extra memory but I think this is the best solution.

There are some more complicated ways to solve this like the rabin-karp algorithm which can check substrings in o(1) time, but I won’t get into it for this problem. I think doubling the string is sufficient here especially given the constraints.


def rotate_string(s, goal):
	return len(goal) == len(s) and goal in s + s
#time: o(n)
#memory: o(n)

Review 1
Forgot about the trick, but I did find a linear solution by creating a graph of all the “next” characters and then sorting the children. Turns out, if this graph is the same for both strings, then they are rotated! This is a very cool approach actually…much neater than the trick itself. Also I’m very pleased that I came up with this because last time around, in absence of the “trick”, I resorted to a quadratic solution.

Implementation (graph)

def rotate_s(s, goal):
	def gen_nexts(s):
		h = {char:[] for char in s}
		for i in range(len(s)-1):
		for key, l in h.items():
			h[key] = ''.join(sorted(l))
		return h
	return gen_nexts(s) == gen_nexts(goal)
