

Topics: subarray, sliding window

Not much to this problem except being mindful of edge cases. Keep a sliding window, a count of ones, and the current length of the result. While one_count == k , shrink the window. While shrinking the window, if the length r - l + 1 is smaller than length of the current result, update the result to the current slice s[l:r+1].

If the length of the window is the same as the length of the current result, do a lexicographical compare on both strings and update the result.

NOTE: a frequency map is not needed here because the only frequency we care about is that of the 1’s…so this can simply be stored in an integer.


def beautiful_string(s, k):
	res = None
	length = float('inf')
	one_count = 0
	l = 0
	for r in range(len(s)):
		if s[r] == '1':
			one_count += 1
		while one_count == k:
			if r - l + 1 < length:
				res = s[l:r+1]
				length = r - l + 1
			if r - l + 1 == length:
				potential = s[l:r+1]
				res = potential if potential < res else res
			if s[l] == '1':
				one_count -= 1
			l += 1
	return res if res else ''
#time: o(n**2)
#memory: o(1) ...or o(n) if considering the result (worst case its the whole string)

Review 1
For some reason I thought “lexicographically smallest” simply meant the earliest beautiful substring in the string s. This is not the case, the beautiful substrings are to be taken in isolation and compared to each other lexicographically. I did realize this a bit later, but it would have been more optimal to have read the question correctly.
