

Topics: math

For this problem, we use a technique called binary exponentiation. This problem also answers the question why exponentiation is logarithmic time complexity.

Basically we use the following 3 mathematical properties:

a = x^n
a = x^2(n/2)

a = x^n
a = x(x^(n-1))

a = x^-n
a = (x^-1)^n
a = (1/x)^n
  1. The first property is taking a 2 out of the exponent, effectively squaring the base. Note that this only behaves nicely when n is even.
  2. The second property is if n is odd, we simply decrement the exponent and bring down the multiplication.
  3. The third property is handling the negative n case. We simply make it a positive case by extracting a -1 from n, and because x^-1 = 1/x, this now becomes a positive n case.

So by squaring x in the even case, we bring this down to logn time complexity because n is exponentially decreasing. Of course the brute force solution is to multiply by x n times, but if n is large like in the constraints, then the linear solution will not suffice.


def power(x, n):
	if n < 0:
		n *= -1
		x = 1.0 / x
	result = 1
	while n > 0:
		if n % 2 == 1:
			result *= x
			n -= 1
		x *= x
		n //= 2
	return result
#time: o(logn)
#memory: o(1)
