DSA: DFS, topological order, Course schedule II
Classic topological order problem. Perform a topological traversal with a cycle detection. If a cycle is detected anywhere, the courses cannot be completed…return False.
The idea is with topological order is that each node recursively visits it’s dependencies (children) before visiting itself.
def course_schedule(num_courses, prerequisites):
adj = {i:[] for i in range(num_courses)}
for course, prereq in prerequisities:
def dfs(node, visiting, visited):
if node in visiting:
return False
if node in visited:
return True
for neighbor in adj[node]:
if not dfs(neighbor, visiting, visited):
return False
return True
visiting = set()
visited = set()
for course in range(num_courses):
if not dfs(course, visiting, visited):
return False
return True
#time: O(v+e) v=vertices ,e=edges
#memory: O(v+e)
same as Course schedule II
Review 1
Same as Course schedule II, but lets take a moment to look at the time/space complexity. It does seem like the time complexity should be o(V)
where V
is the number of nodes, and since our DFS can visit a node only once (because of the visited set), the complexity is seemingly o(V)
…however a subtle point is that even if a child has been visited, we still iterate through the connections in order to examine them. This accounts for o(E)
complexity. Thus the the time complexity is o(V+E)