Topics: BFS, Dijkstra’s
This is a classic weighted graph problem with a slight twist. The problem asks for a the minimum time to reach all nodes, so naturally this would be the max value in the times
hash map after minimum times to reach every node has been discovered. This can be done with either an optimized BFS or Dijkstra’s algorithm. An adjacency list is required for either one.
Implementation (BFS)
def delay_time(times, n, k):
adj = {node:[] for node in range(1, n+1)}
for node1, node2, time in times:
adj[node1].append((node2, time))
times = {}
queue = deque([(k, 0)])
while queue:
node, time = queue.popleft()
if node in times and times[node] <= time:
times[node] = time
for neighbor, time_to in adj[node]:
queue.append((neighbor, time + time_to))
if len(times) != n:
return -1
return max(times.values())
#time: o(e*n) number of edges times number of nodes
#memory: o(n*n)
Implementation (Dijkstra’s)
def delay_time(times, n, k):
adj = {node:[] for node in range(1, n+1)}
for node1, node2, time in times:
adj[node1].append((node2, time))
times = {node:float('inf') for node in range(1, n+1)}
visited = set()
queue = [(0, k)]
while queue:
time, node = heappop(queue)
for neighbor, time_to in adj[node]:
new_time = time + time_to
if new_time < times[neighbor]:
times[neighbor] = new_time
heappush(queue, (new_time, neighbor))
if len(visited) != n:
return -1
return max(times.values())
#time: o(elogn)
#memory: o(n)
See Cheapest flights within k stops mnemonic
See Cheapest flights within k stops visual
Review 1
Nice problem! There is a slight error in my dijistra implementation above. The visited
set is spurious.