DSA: hash map, permutation
A naive approach to this problem would be to generate all possible permutations of the digits in n
and check if each one of them is a power of 2.
A better solution is realizing that the if any permutation of n
is a power of 2, then the frequency map of the digits in n
will be exactly the same as the frequency map of the digits in the corresponding power of 2.
Taking the hash map approach, we can represent all possible permutations as a frequency map. The only thing we lose in the frequency map is the ordering, but we don’t need that information! All we must do, is find all powers of 2 that could possibly be a candidate for n
. Valid candidates will have the same number of digits as n.
def power_of2(n):
n = str(n)
potential_powers = []
curr_power = 1
while len(str(curr_power)) <= len(n):
if len(str(curr_power)) == len(n):
curr_power *= 2
freq_n = {}
for char in n:
freq_n[char] = freq_n.get(char, 0) + 1
for power in potential_powers:
freq_p = {}
for char in power:
freq_p[char] = freq_p.get(char, 0) + 1
if freq_p == freq_n:
return True
return False
#time: O(logn)
#memory: O(1)
Review 1
At first my mind went to a bitwise solution… since powers of 2 have the property of only a single flipped bit. Unfortunately that is the wrong line of thought because since the numbers can be reordered, there is no bitwise operation that can restore a power of 2 ordering since permutations work differently in bits.
The natural approach is frequency map…or frequency array.