

DSA: DFS, subarray, set, grow, shrink

The key to understanding this problem is realizing that we can shrink s, and grow the current sentence.

For example:

word_dict = ['cat', 'cats', 'and', 'sand', 'dog']
s = 'catsanddog'
curr_s      |  s
''             catsanddog
cats           anddog
cats and       dog
cats and dog   ''

So we can construct our recursion following the grow/shrink pattern. And when len(s) == 0, we have taken everything we can from it, which means curr_s is a valid sentence!

In a recursive function, we would check all substrings of s starting at 0 if its a word in word_dict, if it is, then we shrink s and grow curr_s, and recursively call on those parameters.


def word_break(s, word_dict):
	word_dict = set(word_dict)
	def dfs(s, curr_s):
		if len(s) == 0:
			return [curr_s[-1]] #remove the trailing space
		res = []
		for i in range(1, len(s)+1):
			potential_word = s[:i]
			if potential_word in word_dict:
				sentence = dfs(s[i:], curr_s + potential_word + ' ')
				res += sentence
		return res
	return dfs(s, '')

