Alexandre Pokhodoun
Dark mode
Light mode
hash map
monotonic stack
sliding window
sorted order
union find
01 matrix
2 keys keyboard
3sum closest
3sum smaller
Add two numbers
All nodes distant k in binary tree
Amount of time for binary tree to be infected
Analyze user website visit pattern
Apply discount to prices
Arithmetic slices
Arithmetic slices II
Balance a binary search tree
Basic calculator
Basic calculator II
Best time to buy and sell stock
Best time to buy and sell stock II
Binary tree vertical order traversal
Binary tree zigzag level order traversal
Boundary of binary tree
Bus routes
Can arrange
Can I win
Champagne tower
Cheapest flights within k stops
Check if two chessboard squares have the same color
Climbing stairs
Clone binary tree with random pointer
Coin change
Combination sum II
Compare version numbers
Constrained subsequence sum
Container with most water
Contiguous array
Count nice pairs in an array
Count nodes with the highest score
Count primes
Count the number of good subarrays
Course schedule
Course schedule II
Cousins in binary tree
Custom sort string
Daily temperatures
Diameter of a binary tree
Difference between ones and zeros in row and column
Different ways to add parentheses
Distribute candies among children I
Edit distance
Erect the fence
Evaluate division
Evaluate reverse polish notation
Filling bookcase shelves
Find all people with secret
Find eventual safe states
Find in mountain array
Find k pairs with smallest sums
Find largest value in each tree row
Find median from data stream
Find missing observations
Find the closest palindrome
Find the longest substring containing vowels in even counts
Flatten a multilevel doubly linked list
Flood fill
Furthest building you can reach
Gas station
Generate parentheses
Greatest common divisor of strings
Group anagrams
Happy number
House robber
Image smoother
Implement queue using stacks
Insert delete getrandom o(1)
Integer break
Integer to english words
Integer to roman
Jump game
Jump game II
Kill process
Knight dialer
Koko eating bananas
Kth largest element in an array
Kth symbol in grammar
Largest number
Largest triangle area
Length of the longest subsequence that sums to target
Letter combinations of a phone number
Lexicographical numbers
Lexicographically smallest string after substring operation
Linked list in binary tree
Longest arithmetic subsequence of given difference
Longest common prefix
Longest consecutive sequence
Longest duplicate substring
Longest palindromic substring
Longest repeating substring
Longest substring with at least k repeating characters
Longest substring without repeating characters
Longest valid parentheses
Lowest common ancestor of a binary tree
Majority element
Majority element II
Matrix diagonal sum
Max consecutive ones III
Maximal square
Maximize score of numbers in ranges
Maximum length of a concatenated string with unique characters
Maximum number of alloys
Maximum number of events that can be attended
Maximum path sum
Maximum product subarray
Maximum profit in job scheduling
Maximum subarray
Maximum subarray sum with one deletion
Median of two sorted arrays
Meeting rooms II
Merge intervals
Merge k sorted lists
Merge sorted array
Merge strings alternately
Merge two sorted lists
Minimum add to make parentheses valid
Minimum adjacent swaps to make a valid array
Minimum average difference
Minimum cost for tickets
Minimum cost to convert string II
Minimum deletions to make character frequencies unique
Minimum number of coins to be added
Minimum number of operations to make array empty
Minimum number of pushes to type word I
Minimum number of pushes to type word II
Minimum operation to reduce x to zero
Minimum path sum
Minimum replacements to sort the array
Minimum size subarray sum
Minimum suffix flips
Minimum swaps to group all 1s together
Minimum swaps to group all 1s together II
Minimum time difference
Missing number
Most expensive item that can not be bought
Most possible negatives
My calendar I
N-ary tree postorder traversal
Network delay time
Next greater element II
Next permutation
Number if islands
Number of flowers in full bloom
Number of provinces
Number of valid subarrays
Number of ways to select buildings
Painting the walls
Partition array for maximum sum
Path crossing
Path sum II
Path sum III
Peak index in a mountain array
Plates between candles
Poor pigs
Power of 2
Predict the winner
Product of array except self
Pseudo palindromic paths in a binary tree
Race car
Random pick with weight
Rearrange string k distance apart
Redistribute characters to make all strings equal
Relative sort array
Remove colored pieces if both neighbors are the same color
Remove element
Reordered power of 2
Reorganize string
Restore ip addresses
Reverse integer
Reverse nodes in k group
Roman to integer
Rotate array
Rotate image
Rotate string
Rotting oranges
Search a 2d matrix II
Search in rotated sorted array
Search insert position
Sequential digits
Set matrix zeroes
Set mismatch
Shortest and lexicographically smallest beautiful string
Shortest palindrome
Sliding window maximum
Smallest range covering elements from k lists
Snakes and ladders
Sort an array
Special array with x elements greater than or equal x
Spiral matrix
Stone game
Stone game II
Subarray sum equals k
Sudoku solver
Task scheduler
The kth factor of n
Top k frequent elements
Town judge
Trapping rain water
Two sum II
Ugly number II
Uncrossed lines
Unique binary search trees II
Valid parentheses
Validate binary tree nodes
Validate ip address
Walking robot simulation
Wildcard matching
Word break
Word break II
Word ladder
Word search
Word search II
Zigzag conversion
3d printing
Combo-layer hybrid keymap
Lakomka article example
Note for Dina - quartz
Folder: DSA
13 items under this folder.
May 27, 2024
union find
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024
hash map
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024
monotonic stack
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024
sliding window
May 13, 2024
sorted order
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024